Monday, August 13, 2007

Tenth Chemo with Complications

Today I finished my tenth of twelve chemotherapy treatments. However, there was a suggestion of an infection in the PICC line in my arm, so the hematologist prescribed some strong antibiotics. Unfortunately, these reacted badly with the chemotherapy drugs, and I was laid up in bed for most of the subsequent week...


Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for you (along with a cast of thousands). Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

that was me, sorry for the anon post


debbie said...

I am sure that they well give you the right antibiotics to clear up any infection.
You are in the home stretch!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nance--Sorry to hear about the PIIC line infection but I am sure the docs got it cleared up with the antibiotics. Only 2 more to go. Yahoo! As always I am thinking of you both and sending only good vibes.

Chris Ford said...

Nancy, so sorry to hear you are going through such a rough time. My kids have got me in to this blogging stuff and I stumbled upon yours.