Saturday, July 15, 2006


A colleague of mine, Bob Hill and his wife Deborah, came to visit us here this month. Posted by Picasa

Natural Bridge

We went to a place called "Natural Bridge" which is on the Gold Coast. Very cool place. Posted by Picasa

Glow Worms

This cave at the park has glow worms in it - they look like tiny stars on the roof of the cave. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 07, 2006

A Big Birding Trip!

So this week in a little town called Wee Waa, a bird that was a first for Australia showed up. So we drove all the way from Brisbane to Wee Waa (about 5 hrs) to see if we could see it. Posted by Picasa


We passed this fine looking establishment and thought of YOU KNOW WHO! Posted by Picasa

Downtown Wee Wah

You can see that Wee Waa is a pretty sophisticated place... Posted by Picasa

A Lovely Drive

It was a beautiful drive out there, though.... Posted by Picasa

Grey-headed Lapwing

We saw the bird - a grey-headed lapwing - just hanging out in the middle of a field. The very first time this bird has been seen here in Australia. So cool that we were able to see it. Posted by Picasa

A nice drive back...

Then we had a great drive home through the mountains back to Brisbane. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Carved Wooden Scholar from China

Here is something Tim brought back from Beijing - a carved wooden scholar that now sits on his desk as inspiration while he writes his thesis! Posted by Picasa

Black Pearls

Here are the black pearls he brought back on the trip to Beijing in 2005... Posted by Picasa

White Pearls

And here are the white pearls he brought back this trip. Posted by Picasa

Chinese Scarf and Panda Bear

Here I am in front of our Chinese scrolls, wearing a silk scarf from China, wearing the white pearls, and holding the panda bear from the Chinese National Zoo! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Tim's New Shirt

Here Zamboni is inspecting the shirt Tim brought back from Imperial College in London. Posted by Picasa