Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tim and Nancy and the Cats (and our house) are Fine

Dear All-

Just a quick note to say we are all OK. We had a small tree come down on our property but it damaged nothing and we cleared it away in about 10 minutes.

The University of Queensland is closed for the rest of the week and many roads are flooded here. We cannot get to town but we have several stores nearby and have a good supply of food and nice wine!

Cats are good and we have plenty of cat food. Birds are very wet and taking shelter on our verandah but we have lots of seeds for them too!

The Brisbane River by our house is up about 16 metres (which is about 50 feet). We are VERY high in the hills over the river so there is NO chance of us being flooded (our house is over 200 feet above the river).

The rain and flooding are expected to subside possible by Friday or Saturday; certainly we are staying home and not attempting to go anywhere until Saturday at the earliest.

Will keep folks posted; be aware that most news coverage of flooding in the State is from much further north.



Dealing with our fallen tree