Monday, July 30, 2007

Ninth Chemotherapy

Today had the ninth chemo of 12, so am 75% done with this phase of treatment. The docs have decided not to give me any more bleomycin, the drug that was impairing my oxygen uptake. This should allow my lungs to continue to get strong.

However, I must definitely receive 4-5 weeks of radiation treatment. This will involve going in every weekday for the 4-5 weeks to receive a dose of radiation to the chest area, to shrink the central mass there so that my immune system can eventually get rid of it completely.

Side effects of radiation include potential burning of topical skin as well as the lining of the esophagus, and they will give me medications to counteract these. The main side effect of radiation is extreme fatigue which is cumulative over the course of treatment.

I am hopeful the radiation treatment will begin by the end of September.

(Photo is sunrise at our house...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nance great news that you are 75% done. Beautiful sunset photo too.