Sunday, June 03, 2007

More Snake Excitement

Well, we've had no luck relocating Sophie, but today Tim spotted Jasper from the verandah! Jasper is a 7 foot long carpet python, and he is just beautiful! We watched him all day, and into the evening. He moved along the side of the house, then curled up in a bush near the laundry for a while. The next day we found him high in a tree out back - the circle shows how far he climbed! Jasper stayed there in the tree for a day, then we lost track of him. Although the cats wanted to meet Jasper, we thought it best they remain unacquainted....


Anonymous said...

I think that might be a bit of an understatement. Not at all sure carpet pythons and cats mix too well. Jasper looks cool though I might not want to get too close.

Glad the blood levels are good and 42 % of the chemo is done.

St Mark Catholic Homeschool said...

Arby wants to meet both snakes...and I don't know if I can stop her...she thinks her cousins have all the fun...all she has is a dog and some ants.

Anonymous said...

I hope they are both on a long
vacation when I come to visit!!!!