Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Snake Excitement!

Today we had some excitement when we went to move a rug that had been drying of the porch - a snake. We were unsure what kind it was and so we called the local snake removal guy. He recommended we take a photo and email it to him, so he could see if it was poisonous. While initially we thought this was not the easiest thing to do, it was simeple to get the photo, after which we figured out it was a green tree snake (non-poisonous). It was an olive-brownish one, which is why we did not identify it immediately. The snake guy concurred and so we left it alone (it was gone by the next day...)


Bits said...

Between the beetles, the snakes and the various other freaky life forms you do make one think twice about a visit!

debbie said...

Again you certainly have a lot of unusual visitors at your house!