Saturday, August 06, 2005

Michael Eats at the Waffle House

Here is a retrospective of Michael William Somerville eating at several fine dining establishments in the Charlotte area. In this photo we see Michael questioning the less-than-stellar service at the infamous Waffle House... Posted by Picasa


St Mark Catholic Homeschool said...

This is not a usual stop for Michael - but being a good tour guide for Aunt Nancy he knew this was a mandatory stop - but we all had more fun at the IHOP and the funnel cakes!!! OK, truthfully the waffles are pretty good, and Aunt Nancy liked the omelette!!!

Anonymous said...

That damn Waffle House...Should be called the Crazy House! Wait thill we get him to NJ and we can pause for a moment of silence at the place where "Laura's" used to be. Then we will take to the Beachwood Dinner and Tommy Klena's Hut! Now that's living!