Thursday, January 10, 2008

Endocrinologist Discusses Concerns

Today I saw the endocrinologist at the hospital, for advice about several concerns. First, the doc advised that my symptoms of menopause from the chemotherapy might actually reverse of their own accord, and that 4 months might not be enough time for this to happen. So he ordered more blood tests to check the levels of estrogen in my body. This would be a good outcome but for now I remain "chemically menopausal."

We are holding off making a decision about whether I will take HRT until after the latest blood tests. I am at very low risk for any adverse effects from HRT, including increased risk of breast cancer, so I may consider a short trial of HRT, just to see if it makes me feel better (am still having occasional hot flushes, some disturbed sleep, etc.).

My main concerning symptom, though, has been pain in my hands, particularly the ring and little finger. I am having tests for rheumatoid arthritis (which so far it is not looking like) which is good. However, it might be that I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (which could be a result of the low amount of estrogen in my system due to the chemotherapy). (To see a fact sheet go HERE).

My symptoms are close (for example, tingling, hand weakness) but not exactly matching (for example, worst is my little finger, not thumb) those of classic CTS. So the doc has ordered a nerve conduction test which will diagnose the CTS as well as any peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage in extremities, usually fingers and toes, also a side effect of chemotherapy).

So will have further news on this as more test results emerge. For now am resting my hands when I can and am avoiding cutting things (as they are less sensitive and you can cut yourself if you use knives etc. when you have either perpheral neuropathy or CTS).

1 comment:

Bits said...

Sorry to hear that you have to undergo more tests but hopefully you will get positive results as with the bone density. As always I am thinking of you and Tim. Also working on the logistics of a visit in October/November so check your calendars :).