Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our garden grows!

Over the last few weekends Tim has worked incredibly hard to clear out weeds in our garden, and we have planted a lot of plants from the Greening Australia nursery. Here is what they will look like when they are bigger:
Hakeas (several species) planted along the rear of the fence with our neighbor.

Fan flowers, which line the side of the driveway and (hopefully!) will spill over the wall artistically.

Saw banksia, a native tree with gorgeous flowers that grows gnarled branches with a windswept look.

Native flax lilies, which I've planted around our mailbox.

A groundcover with a great name: Creeping Boobialla.

A Kanaroo Thorn bush

And finally, in back of the house we've planted a "Wheel of Fire" tree, a native which grows about 30-40 feet high with spectacular flowers.

1 comment:

Bits said...

Wow those are some gorgeous flowers. I don't think we have things like that in GA. And with the drought we wouldn't be able to plant them anyway :(.