Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Peter comes for a visit

Peter Baum, a friend from Princeton, came for a visit this week. We went to see the emus and kangaroos at Lone Pine (like the wallaby pictured here), and patted a koala. That night we went to dinner at Tukka, a restaurant serving modern Australian cuisine, where Peter ordered rare emu as an appetiser, and had seared wallaby served medium rare, with polenta, wattleseed & orange jus as a main course... yum! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

St Mark Catholic Homeschool said...

hope you had a great visit...will show Michael the picture but skip reading the menu to him - at least until he is lder...He has eaten his first meat - chicken - guess we will have to wait for a visit to Aunt Nancy's house for the kangaroo meat