Monday, August 18, 2008

Gallstones for Tim

Today we got the unwelcome news that Tim has gallstones which most likely will need to be removed (along with the gall bladder itself) with keyhole surgery. At least this explains why Tim has gotten occasional stomach aches over the last 3 months. He is in no pain since cutting out soda. He will probably have the operation before Christmas.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Blue Zamboni goes to the Vet

Today we took Zamboni to the vet as he hasbeen sneezing. The vet diagnosed a cold and prescribed some antibiotics. Weirdly, when we too him out of the carrier at the vets he was mostly blue from having rubbed up against the inside of the carrier... (photo taken with iPhone).

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Successful Teaching Grant

Today I was really excited to learn that I'd received an Australian Learning and Teaching Council grant to study and make recommendations on the curriculum in clinical psychology in Australia - we had a really fabulous team across 5 universities and it will be a great project.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Oliver Sacks

Today we went to hear neurologist and author Oliver Sacks speak downtown. It was a very interesting lecture. His most famous book (The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat) is probably still my favorite.

Friday, August 01, 2008

New Technology!

oday I got an iPhone - it is incredibly nifty - will bring together in one device phone, address book, memos, camera etc. - very cool!